新思科技 Synopsys, Inc

+ 886-2-2718-7266

About the Synopsys Software Integrity Group

Synopsys Software Integrity Group is the leader in the Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Application Security Testing for seven consecutive years. We provide integrated solutions that transform the way development teams build and deliver software, accelerating innovation while addressing business risk. Our industry-leading portfolio of software security products and services is the most comprehensive in the world and interoperates with third-party and open source tools, allowing organizations to leverage existing investments to build the security program that's best for them. Only Synopsys offers everything you need to build trust in your software. Learn more at www.synopsys.com/software.

About Synopsys

Synopsys, Inc. (Nasdaq: SNPS) is the Silicon to Software™ partner for innovative companies developing the electronic products and software applications we rely on every day. As an S&P 500 company, Synopsys has a long history of being a global leader in electronic design automation (EDA) and semiconductor IP and offers the industry's broadest portfolio of application security testing tools and services. Whether you're a system-on-chip (SoC) designer creating advanced semiconductors, or a software developer writing more secure, high-quality code, Synopsys has the solutions needed to deliver innovative products. Learn more at www.synopsys.com.

電話:+ 886-2-2718-7266

Synopsys 提供整合性的解決方案可改變您構建及交付軟體的方式,從而在解決商業風險的同時加速創新。借助 Synopsys,您的開發人員可以像編寫程式碼一樣快速地保護程式碼。 您的開發及 DevSecOps 團隊可以在不影響速度的情況下在開發管道中自動做測試。您的安全團隊可以主動進行管理風險並將補救工作集中在對您的組織最重要的事情上面。 我們無與倫比的專業技術可幫助您規劃並執行任何的安全計劃。唯有 Synopsys 能夠提供任何您在建立對您的軟體的信任感所需要的一切。

Software Risk Manager
Software Risk Manager

Synopsys Software Risk Manager 是一種本地應用程序安全態勢管理 (ASPM) 解決方案,使安全和開發團隊能夠簡化其應用程序安全計劃,以改善風險態勢。它將策略、測試編排、問題關聯以及內置靜態應用程序安全測試 (SAST) 和軟件組合分析 (SCA) 引擎結合在一起,在整個軟件開發生命週期 (SDLC) 中智能且一致地集成安全活動。借助軟件風險管理器,安全和開發團隊可以從單一事實來源做出明智的決策,並大規模交付彈性應用程序。

Synopsys Black Duck 軟體成分分析
Synopsys Black Duck 軟體成分分析

Black Duck 能協助企業或組織在整個軟體供應鏈中確保安全並管理開源資源。Black Duck 針對開源應用程式、容器 (Container)、基礎架構程式碼 (IaC) 進行安全管理、授權合規以及程式碼品質風險的全面性解決方案。在 Forrester 的評比之中, Black Duck 是軟體成分分析 (SCA) 領域的最佳選擇,在第三方程式碼透明度方面,它可以讓您在整個應用程式生命週期中,管控程式碼供應鏈裡的所有第三方程式碼。

Synopsys Coverity 靜態分析
Synopsys Coverity 靜態分析

Coverity® 在編寫程式碼同時,有效尋獲並解決原始碼關鍵性安全與品質問題。Coverity 可以在開發過程的早期,在程式碼的編寫過程中就辨識出關鍵性的軟體品質瑕疵以及安全性漏洞,精準可實行的彌補措施建議以及針對特定環境的數位學習功能可以幫助您的開發人員了解如何迅速地為問題區分優先排序,深入您的 CI/CD 流程,輔助您既有的開發工具與工作流程。

Gartner MQ Leader Again 2023 | Synopsys

Synopsys is named a Leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Application Security Testing for the 7th year in a row! Synopsys Placed Highest for Ability to Execute and Furthest to the Right for Completeness of Vision.

How to Easily Generate An Accurate Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) with Black Duck

Black Duck provides a solution by helping you generate an accurate software bill of materials (SBOM) in minutes, giving you visibility into your software supply chain. 

Coverity - Static Analysis by Synopsys

Coverity, is the static analysis solution with over 15 years of experience scanning tens of thousands of applications. Coverity is a market leader in application security and embedded applications. It’s the only SAST solution that combines best-in-class security and software code quality in a single product.

Consolidate Your AppSec Solutions and Reduce Risk

Optimize your AppSec strategy with consolidated vendors and tools to reduce TCO, improve visibility, and enhance risk management.