• 2023-09-25
  • 13:20 - 14:00

Setting up a DevSecOps Software Factory with GitLab

組織如何在多雲端環境,如 AWS、GCP 和 Azure,實施 DevSecOps 解決方案?有哪些方法可以確保安全最佳實踐,包括加密政策、質量門和跨超過 20,000 個項目的合規性?

來學習一些新加坡最大的組織在採用 DevSecOps 的過程中遇到的挑戰和解決方案,以及他們如何利用 GitLab 進行可觀測性(例如價值流分析、DORA 指標),防範軟件供應鏈攻擊,同時擴展一個適合成千上萬用戶的平台。

How do organisations implement DevSecOps solutions across a multi-cloud setup such as AWS, GCP and Azure? What are some ways of ensuring security best practices including encryption policies, quality gates and compliance across more than 20,000 projects. 

Come and learn about some of the challenges and solutions that some of the largest organisations with hundreds of teams in Singapore have adopted and how they are able to leverage on GitLab for observability (I.e. Value Stream Analytics, DORA Metrics), guard against software supply chain attacks while scaling a platform for thousand of users.

Jonathan Lim

Jonathan Lim

GitLab Inc. Senior Solutions Architect

Jonathan 是一位來自 Gitlab 的解決方案架構師,他的工作地點在新加坡。他見證了生產環境中的安全漏洞或代碼質量問題如何給公司帶來損失,於是他加入了 Gitlab,想要了解我們是否能夠在軟件開發生命週期(SDLC)的早期解決這些問題。

Jonathan is a Solution Architect from Gitlab, based out of Singapore. Having seen how security vulnerabilities or code quality issues in production environments have caused companies to suffer, Jonathan joined GitLab to learn if we could remediate these problems earlier in the SDLC.

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    6F DE會議室
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  • 適合聽眾
    DevOps 老司機(DevOps Veteran) DevOps 新手(Newbie) IT人員/偏開發(IT / DEV) IT人員/全都做(IT / I have to do everything) IT人員/偏維運(IT / OPS)