你是技術社群的組織者?參與者?或你有計畫在組織內外建立任何的社群、讀書會嗎?那麼別錯過這場演講,來自 DevOpsDays Tokyo 推薦的日本講師,將為我們分享他在疫情時代下的社群經營經驗談,面對疫情,他們是如何持續組織社群活動、如何維持社群的動能、在這些決策的背後,他們又是做出了哪些考量。
本議程旨在分享在疫情期間組織 RSGT(Regional Scrum Gathering Tokyo)和 Local Scrum Fest 的經驗中獲得的見解。我們將分享成功舉辦混合會議的技術解決方案以及這些技術決策背後的意圖。
This session aims to share insights gained from experiences in organizing RSGT and local Scrum Fests amid the ongoing pandemic.
We will share technological solutions that achieved successful hybrid conferences and the intentions behind those technical decisions.
I support hybrid community events all over Japan from a technical perspective, with a background in stage sound and stage lighting. As my day job, I work as an application engineer, writing code in Python and TypeScript. I am also a Certified ScrumMaster.