• 2023-09-26
  • 14:20 - 14:45




了解何謂AI流程自動化及圖控式開發的應用實例,並思考如何套入企業應用。我們會從基本AI Ops原理介紹容器式開發應用於模組式開發之應用,如docker開發及與外部軟體串接方法,另外也會介紹Node-red之圖控介面在各方面應用。,也會示範如何串接AI自動化模組,如Kubeflow。

Container-based development such as Docker has become a trend abroad and is gradually becoming popular among domestic enterprises. It is of great help to the efficiency of enterprise information flow, especially in AI automation. It is currently the main method used by major companies such as Google to manage AI resources. Tools, such as Kubeflow, have been deeply involved in AI automation processes such as CI/CD. However, it takes many laborious steps to make full use of the benefits of these packages. Our team has introduced transfer learning, bagging, and various basic AI processes. We have also combined Node-red's graphic control interface to enable non-information majors to and related information professionals can quickly develop major AI applications without any programming foundation, or only need basic AI concepts to quickly see the results and apply them to special application fields. At present, we have developed IOT Internet of Things scenarios. and quantum machine learning and other applications. This speech will first introduce our development results, and then explain the development architecture and application scenarios. The communication between the two packages is through kfp server API. 


Understand the application examples of AI process automation and graphic development, and think about how to incorporate them into enterprise applications. We will introduce the application of container development to modular development from the basic AI Ops principles, such as docker development and concatenation methods with external software. We will also introduce the application of Node-red's graphic control interface in various aspects. , and will also demonstrate how to connect AI automation modules, such as Kubeflow.



THU-CS prof.


I am Professor Chihhsiong Shih from the Department of Computer Science at Tunghai University. Our team is developing a graph-controlled AI automation process. It is combined with AI automation packages such as Kubeflow under the Node-red interface to facilitate developers to carry out drag-and-drop AI applications. Currently, it is connected to the Internet of Things deployment. and quantum machine learning application development.  

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    6F F會議室
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    DevOps 老司機(DevOps Veteran) DevOps 新手(Newbie) 非 IT 部門(Non-IT) IT人員/偏維運(IT / OPS) 經營決策者(Decision makers)