The slower release cadence of enterprises and the faster "continuous deployment" cadence of startups are all better if they rest on one of the types of trunk-based development (TBD), a source control branching model. TBD is a key foundation of devops success. Paul will contrast the different cadences of types of company in a talk rich with diagrams (English and Chinese)
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企業較慢的發佈週期和初創公司較快的「連續部署」週期,都更好能建立在源代碼控制分支模型的其中一種「主幹式開發」(Trunk-Based Development, TBD)之上。TBD 是 DevOps 成功的關鍵基礎。Paul 將在一個充滿圖表的演講中對比不同類型公司的不同週期(英語和中文)。
Paul Hammant has been teaching trunk-based development for 25 years to delivery organizations and consultancies. Sometimes embedded in the larger team and department, and sometimes as a consultant engaging for shorter durations. His materials were used in the famous Continuous Delivery book, and has two books of his one - the first on TBD and the second on value stream mapping. He's also known for being co-creator of the web testing technology Selenium, 20 years ago.
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Paul Hammant 在過去 25 年一直在教導交付組織和諮詢公司進行主幹式開發。有時他會融入更大的團隊和部門,有時則以顧問的身份參與較短的期間。他的資料曾在著名的《持續交付》一書中使用,而他自己也出版了兩本書 - 一本關於主幹式開發,另一本則是關於價值流程圖。他還因為在 20 年前共同創造了 Selenium 網路測試技術而聞名。