
Muhammad Shahzeb

Muhammad Shahzeb

Grafana Labs
Senior Software Engineer 2 / Cloud Integrations

Shahzeb is a software developer with over 8 years of experience in developing applications and integrating software systems. He is currently working at Grafana Labs as a Senior Cloud Integration Engineer. He has previously worked with big names in the technology space like Afiniti and Plumgrid.

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Shahzeb是一位擁有8年以上應用開發和軟件系統集成經驗的軟件開發工程師。他目前在Grafana Labs擔任高級雲端整合工程師。此前,他曾在科技領域的知名企業Afiniti和Plumgrid工作。


2024-07-11 | 14:20 - 15:00   G棟

【預錄】Observability quickstart - Grafana

In this practical workshop, we will start setting up an observability stack with Grafana from scratch. We will set up Grafana, connect data sources install integrations, and set up dashboards and alerting. We will also see how we can add tracing and frontend observability to our application. We will see how we can use k6 for load generation and testing.

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在這個實操工作坊中,我們將從頭開始設置 Grafana 的可觀測性堆棧。我們將設置 Grafana,連接數據源、安裝集成,並設置儀表盤和警報。我們還將看到如何為我們的應用程序添加跟蹤和前端可觀測性。我們將了解如何使用 k6 進行負載生成和測試。


Setting up Grafana, connecting data sources and installing integrations, setting up observability stack, load testing & frontend observability

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  • 安裝和配置 Grafana
  • 連接各種監控數據源,如 Prometheus、Elasticsearch 等
  • 安裝常見的觀測性集成,如 Jaeger、Zipkin 等
  • 構建自定義的觀測性儀表盤和警報
  • 使用 k6 進行負載測試並收集前端指標
  • 將觀測性指標與前端性能關聯起來進行分析