Principal Architect
Wayne Lin currently works at Google Cloud as Principal Architect. His working experience across startups and large enterprises, and he has lots of experiences on multi-cloud architecture design, DevOps and distributed system design and implementation. For the past 5 years, he focused on enterprise Cloud architecture design, HPC performance optimization and DevSecOps.
隨著軟體開發的敏捷化,CI/CD 管線已成為軟體交付的重要組成部分。CI/CD 管線可以自動化軟體與基礎建設的構建、測試和部署,從而提高效率和生產力。然而,CI/CD 管線也可能成為安全攻擊的目標。如果 CI/CD 管線存在安全或是控管漏洞,攻擊者將能夠利用這些漏洞進行破壞。透過這場分享,我們會說明如何設計與實行分層縱深防禦在 CI/CD 管線。
透過分享的框架跟設計去實作以提升 CI/CD 管線的安全性,並且維持軟體開發與基礎建設管理的效率與生產力。