
Hitesh Khandelwal(Honey)

Hitesh Khandelwal(Honey)

RBL Bank
Senior Manager

Hitesh Khandelwal is a senior technology project manager at one of the leading private banks in India, where he is responsible for the timely and cost-efficient execution of credit card technology projects for the bank. With over four years of freelancing experience in the space of machine learning and predictive modeling, he has built computer vision and NLP based machine learning models for various clients. Moreover, he is actively engaged in in machine learning research and already has a paper published to his name. Outside of work, he enjoys reading non fiction literature, exploring various ideas and topics. He is also a a musician who plays drums and percussion performances at cafes and gigs. 

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Hitesh Khandelwal 是印度領先的私營銀行之一的高級技術項目經理,他負責按時高效地執行該銀行的信用卡技術項目。在機器學習和預測建模領域擁有4年以上的自由職業經驗,他為各種客戶構建了基於計算機視覺和自然語言處理的機器學習模型。此外,他積極從事機器學習研究,並已發表了一篇論文。工作之外,他喜歡閱讀非小說文學,探索各種想法和話題。他也是一名音樂家,在咖啡館和現場演出中表演鼓和打擊樂演奏。


2024-07-11 | 14:20 - 15:00   A2棟

DevOps & Product Strategy in Banking

Navigate the intersection of DevOps and product management within the banking sector in this insightful session. As industries, particularly banking, grapple with rapid technological changes and evolving customer expectations, the integration of product management into DevOps practices emerges as a vital strategy for sustainable development and enhanced service delivery. This talk is inspired by my own transition into a product management role and the significant benefits realized from this strategic pivot.

I will unveil how incorporating product management has revolutionized our approach to projects—improving operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and the overall developer experience. This integration has been pivotal in managing the complexities of today's banking solutions, where stability, reliability, and adherence to regulatory standards are paramount.

This session aims to empower attendees with practical knowledge and strategies to implement product management principles within their DevOps practices. By the end of this talk, participants from any organizational level or size will understand how to effectively apply these concepts to enhance both their technological frameworks and business outcomes, particularly in the context of the financial services industry.

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在這個洞見豐富的環節中,我們將探討銀行業內 DevOps 和產品管理的交集。作為一個行業,尤其是銀行業,正在努力應對快速的技術變革和不斷變化的客戶期望,將產品管理融入 DevOps 實踐成為實現可持續發展和提升服務交付的關鍵策略。這次演講受到我自己轉向產品管理角色的啟發,以及這一策略性轉變所帶來的重大效益。

我將揭示如何將產品管理納入,如何革新我們的項目方法 - 提高運營效率、客戶滿意度和整體開發者體驗。這種融合在處理當今銀行解決方案的複雜性方面至關重要,因為穩定性、可靠性和遵守監管標準至關重要。

這個環節旨在為與會者提供在 DevOps 實踐中實施產品管理原則的實用知識和策略。在本次演講結束時,來自任何組織層級或規模的參與者都將了解如何有效地應用這些概念,以提升其技術框架和業務成果,特別是在金融服務行業的背景下。


Target Audience: DevOps professionals, product managers, and technical leaders specially in the banking and management sector who are keen on refining their development and operational practices. 

Learnings: Attendees will learn how to seamlessly integrate product management with DevOps to enhance project handling, improve customer and developer satisfaction, and ensure that technical projects align closely with business objectives. 

【Translated by AI】

目標聽眾:DevOps 專業人士、產品經理,以及特別在銀行和管理部門的技術領導者,他們熱衷於改善自己的開發和運營實踐。

學習收穫:與會者將學習如何無縫地將產品管理與 DevOps 相結合,以提升項目處理能力、提高客戶和開發人員的滿意度,並確保技術項目能與業務目標緊密保持一致。
