
Mitz Shiiba

Mitz Shiiba

Software Engineer

Hi, I'm Mitz. I'm a senior software engineer with over 10 years in DevOps. At KAKEHASHI, Inc., I work on everything from frontend React apps and backend APIs to CI/CD processes and AWS infrastructure with Terraform. I enjoy improving our products, processes, and organization to deliver real value to users.

I love sharing my knowledge and have spoken at events like DevOpsDays Tokyo, Regional Scrum Gathering Tokyo, and ScrumFest Osaka. I’m always aiming to get better and contribute to the tech community. Excited to connect with you all!

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我熱衷於分享知識,並在像東京DevOpsDays、東京區域Scrum Gathering和大阪ScrumFest等活動上發表過演講。我一直在努力追求進步,並貢獻給科技社區。很高興能與大家互相聯繫!


2024-07-11 | 15:10 - 15:50   G棟

Our Scrum without Estimates, and into the Trunk-based Development

I'm Mitz, a Senior Software Engineer at KAKEHASHI Inc., a healthcare tech startup in Japan. In this session, I will share our journey in developing and operating our new product.

We started the development with Scrum but decided not to estimate tasks. After the launch, we started Trunk-based development on top of it. So, I will share how we proceed with the project without estimates and how we run Trunk-based development.

Join me in exploring practical approaches that have enabled our DevOps team to deliver value continuously.

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我是Mitz,日本健康科技新創公司「KAKEHASHI Inc.」的資深軟體工程師。在今天的分享中,我將帶您探索我們開發與營運新產品的歷程。




  1. Our Scrum without Estimates
  2. Trunk-Based Development

【Translated by AI】

  1. 無需估算的Scrum
  2. 基於主幹的開發